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IAP 2007 Activity

Augmentation of the Tsunami Early Warning System
P.J. Cefola, Research Affiliate, J.E. Draim, Captain, USN (Ret)
Tue Jan 16, 02-03:00pm, Room 33-206

No enrollment limit, no advance sign up
Single session event
Prereq: N/A

Investigate a concept for satellite-based observation of sea surface phenomena which reflect a tsunami wave progressing across the ocean. The concept is based on passive microwave remote sensing of the ocean. The intent is to complement economically the current tsunameters which are expensive to establish and maintain. The three objectives are: apply a multi-objective, multidisciplinary design optimization (MMDO) for modeling different architecture options for the tsunami early warning problem; provide the technical analyses required to support design of the remote sensing system; and provide a preliminary design of the satellite system. Architecture options are: detection based on seismic data and bottom pressure recorders (current tsunameter and buoys); detection based on seismic data and satellite-based remote sensing; and detection based on seismic data, bottom pressure recorders, and satellite-based remote sensing.
Contact: Marie Stuppard, 33-206, x3-2279, mas@mit.edu
Sponsor: Aeronautics and Astronautics
Latest update: 11-Dec-2006

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