Making Space: An Exploration in Translation
Judith Barry Senior Fellow at CAVS and Director, Nicole Didio
Wed Jan 17, Thu Jan 18, Fri Jan 19, 10am-05:00pm, N51 - 315 IEL Lab
Enrollment limited: advance sign up required (see contact below)
Signup by: 14-Jan-2007
Limited to 16 participants.
Participants requested to attend all sessions (non-series)
Prereq: some knowledge of 2D compositing programs such as Photoshop,
The ability to produce a representation of space both believable and potentially inhabitable is a goal of architectural and artistic representation. Utilizing motion graphics to create 3D space out of 2D moving imagery is our focus. We will demonstrate After Effects, a motion graphics program for video compositing, then explore how this program is used for parsing of spatial paradigms, from the sculptural, to the filmic and architectural. Next we will explore spatial paradigms thru a series of hands-on exercises. The third day combines these exercises to cohere a new spatial construct beyond the accumulation of each exercise. We conclude with presentations and analysis of the projects.
Nicole DiDio is an artist and motion graphics designer Sponsored by Visual Arts Program, Art Institute of Boston/Lesley University
Contact: Larissa Harris, N52-390, x3-4415,
Sponsor: Center for Advanced Visual Studies
Latest update: 04-Dec-2006