Climate Change: Boston Underwater Walking Tour
Matt Alvarado
Thu Jan 25, 12-04:00pm, E40-496
No enrollment limit, no advance sign up
Single session event
Cold weather got you down? Join us for a tour of Boston’s potential future under climate change, where the winters are 10 °F warmer, the summers feel like those in South Carolina today, and the Red Sox are underwater (although the Green Monster is still high and dry). As we walk along the future coastline, we’ll discuss the science of climate change, the potential risks to Boston and the Northeast, the difficulties in predicting the future climate and what can be done to minimize the risks of catastrophic change. Stops will include the Boston Public Garden, the Haymarket, and the Freedom Trail. We will stop somewhere along the way for lunch.
Contact: Therese Henderson, E40-428, x3-7492,
Sponsor: Joint Program/Science and Policy of Global Change
Cosponsor: Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences
Latest update: 05-Dec-2006