Leadership Today: Lessons and Applications (in only 3 days)
Capt. Melissa Keller
Tue Jan 23, Wed Jan 24, Thu Jan 25, 01-03:00pm
No limit but advance sign up required (see contact below)
Signup by: 19-Jan-2007
Participants requested to attend all sessions (non-series)
What is leadership to you? Today’s world demands good, educated leaders. This course will introduce you to successful leadership concepts, tactics, and applications as well as provide you with examples of leadership in today’s world. This seminar style course will provide you with the fundamental tools of leadership while also giving you hands on experience in various scenarios demanding leadership. In only three days, you will gain a general understanding of leadership (teambuilding, group dynamics, etc.) and the tools to be a successful leader in any situation. If you have any further questions about the class, please contact Captain Melissa Keller at (617) 253-4475.
Contact: Capt. Melissa Keller, (617) 253-4475, mkeller@mit.edu
Sponsor: Rachel Kolesnikov-Lindsey, BAKER-HOUSE # 518, 617 225-7268, rachelkl@mit.edu
Latest update: 07-Dec-2006