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IAP 2007 Activity

Splash on Wheels
David Farhi
Sat Jan 27, 11am-04:00pm, W20-467

No limit but advance sign up required (see contact below)
Signup by: 12-Jan-2007
Single session event

Did you have fun at Splash? Did you miss Splash but wish you had participated? Do you have no idea what Splash is? MIT Educadional Studies Program's Splash is a program that runs every November where MIT volunteer teachers teach lots of high school and middle school students lots of cool things. Now Splash is on wheels! ESP is running a smaller version of Splash at Hudson High School! We need lots of teachers. MIT students, you in particular, know many things that high schoolers and middle schoolers find interesting. Come with us for a day or a few hours to teach some of them. It will be lots of fun (and there will be free food involved). Sign up your class now at esp.mit.edu!
Web: http://esp.mit.edu
Contact: David Farhi, W20-467, x3-4882, splash-on-wheels@mit.edu
Sponsor: Educational Studies Program
Latest update: 08-Dec-2006

Massachusetts Institute of Technology
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Last update: 30 September 2004