Relaxing Yoga for EECS Grad Students and Others
Hadassah Segal
Mon Jan 8, 05:15-06:30pm, 34-401
Enrollment limited: advance sign up required (see contact below)
Signup by: 05-Jan-2007
Limited to 20 participants.
Single session event
Learn about yoga and get some rejuvenating exercise and stretches, just right for tense MIT grad students. Warm up and enhance your circulation, relax with some light meditation, and end up feeling centered and energized. A great way to find out if you like yoga, learn some great moves, or brush up techniques you learned long ago. No prior experience or fitness level needed. Please wear cloose, omfortable clothes. Reserve a place by emailing Pizza afterward. Cosponsored by MIT ACM/IEEE Student Chapter.
Contact: Anne Hunter,
Sponsor: EECS Graduate Students Association
Cosponsor: Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Latest update: 15-Dec-2006