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IAP 2007 Activity

Kimberly-Clark’s Evolution to a Demand Driven Supply Network
Mark Jamison Kimberly-Clark Corporation
Tue Jan 23, 09-10:30am, E51-325

No enrollment limit, no advance sign up
Single session event

This presentation will provide an overview of Kimberly-Clark’s roadmap to a Demand Driven Supply Network. In the consumer packaged goods industry, customer’s expectations for supply chain innovation and execution are escalating. To meet these expectations, Kimberly-Clark is re-inventing both their physical distribution network and how they go to market. To support these strategies, Kimberly-Clark is redesigning supply chain business processes and the integrating systems to enable these capabilities. Kimberly-Clark believes that RFID is part of the answer to developing demand driven capability and the discussion will include how they plan to apply RFID as a solution to improve in-stock at retail.
Contact: Chris Caplice, E40-355, x8-7975, caplice@mit.edu
Sponsor: Center for Transportation and Logistics
Latest update: 09-Jan-2007

Massachusetts Institute of Technology
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