Do You Like to Sing? Ever Thought of Being in a Science Oratorio?
Joice Himawan North Cambridge Family Opera Company, David Bass, Ellen Bluestein (Cambridge Science Festival), Kate Bernhardt (Cambridge Science Festival)
Tue Jan 16, 06-08:00pm, Morse School, Auditorium, 40 Granite St.
No enrollment limit, no advance sign up
Single session event
For the MIT Museum’s new community initiative, the Cambridge Science Festival (April 21-29), the North Cambridge Family Opera Company is creating a multi-generational chorus to perform three free concerts of the American premiere of the Science Oratorio, Lifetime: Songs of Life and Evolution, by contemporary English composer David Haines. This 90-minute choral presentation, comprised of 22 musical selections, explores the science of life and evolution. The Festival Chorus is open to anyone in the MIT community with a desire to sing, regardless of vocal skill or training.
Open Rehearsal and Registration is on Jan. 23, 6-8pm at the Morse School Auditorium, 40 Granite St., Cambridge. Regular rehearsals will be Tues., Jan. 23-Apr. 17, 6:00-7:30pm, at the Morse School.
Contact: Joice Himawan, (617) 354-2797,
Sponsor: MIT Museum
Latest update: 22-Jan-2007