Traditional Russian Pancakes - Blinis
Susanna Yusufova
Tue Jan 30, 01-02:00pm, 66-160
Enrollment limited: advance sign up required (see contact below)
Signup by: 29-Jan-2007
Limited to 20 participants.
Single session event
If you have ever tasted traditional Russian pancakes (“blinis”), you will certainly never forget this savory dish. Served with a variety of stuffings and garnishes, they are different from the usual American pancakes. You can eat them as hors d'oeuvres, main course or a desert. We will examine the easiest way of baking this delicious dish. Recipes for major stuffings and garnishes will be also given. Come and enjoy one of the most amazing Russian meals.
Contact: Susanna Yusufova, (617) 230-1764,
Sponsor: Jennifer A Recklet, E23-323, 617 253-1614,
Latest update: 14-Dec-2006