Digital Video Post-Production Clinic (CLASS IS FULL)
Violeta Ivanova
Thu Jan 25, 03-05:00pm, 26-139, CLASS IS FULL
Enrollment limited: advance sign up required (see contact below)
Limited to 8 participants.
Single session event
Prereq: Permission of Instructor, familiarity with Mac computers
In this hands-on workshop, students will be introduced to fundamental techniques for editing video and sound, using software such as Final Cut Pro, Soundtrack Pro, Compressor and DVD Studio Pro. This workshop is most appropriate for beginning filmmakers who want to improve their editting skills. Students should attend the New Media Center orientation, or have basic familiarity with Mac Athena prior to this workshop. Preference given to MIT students who are seriously interested in independent video production. To apply, e-mail instructor stating MIT status, previous video/sound editting experience (if any), filmmaking interests and motivation for attending the workshop.
Contact: Violeta Ivanova, N42-250K, x2-1383,
Sponsor: Edgerton Center
Latest update: 04-Jan-2007