It's MORE than Tay-Sachs!
Rebecca Kurnik Seshasai alumna
Wed Jan 17, 05-06:30pm, 1-135
No enrollment limit, no advance sign up
Single session event
11 = number of genetic diseases for which Jewish people are at greater risk 25 = percent of Jews who is a carrier for one or more of these diseases (many of which result in childhood death)
Even if you are not ready to have kids now, you may be ready someday.
Come hear more.... Dr. Hoffman, from Tufts-New England Medical Center, will speak on the risks, carrier screening, and reproductive options that allow for the birth of a healthy baby. You will be able to sign-up to reserve your spot for the actual screening, coming in March, at this talk! For more information on this program, go to
Contact: Rebecca Kurnik Seshasai,
Sponsor: FSILG Office
Cosponsor: Hillel
Latest update: 21-Dec-2006