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IAP 2007 Activity

Violeta Ivanova
No enrollment limit, no advance sign up
Participants welcome at individual sessions (series)

Expert instructors from The Mathworks Inc. will demonstrate and explain intermediate and advanced MATLAB and Simulink functionalities and techniques for various science and engineering applications.
Web: http://http://web.mit.edu/ist/topics/math
Contact: Violeta Ivanova, N42, x3-1383, violeta@mit.edu
Sponsor: Information Services and Technology

Distributed and Parallel Computing with MATLAB
Arjav Chakravarti, PhD.
Overview of the Distributed Computing Toolbox for distributed and parallel MATLAB programs to solve computationally or data-intensive problems.
Mon Jan 8, 10am-12:00pm, 1-273

Connecting MATLAB & Simulink to Hardware
Doug Jones, Ph.D. and Jiro Doke, Ph.D. The Mathworks
Demonstrations of interfacing MATLAB & Simulink to various hardware for data acquisition, instrument control, and real-time system processing.
Mon Jan 8, 01-03:00pm, 1-273

Overview of MATLAB for Computational Biology
Kristen Zannella The Mathworks
Overview of functionalities for computational biology in Bioinformatics Toolbox and SimBiology with examples on analysis and visualization of large datasets such as microarray data and mass spec data.
Mon Jan 8, 04-06:00pm, 3-133

Using MATLAB for Verification, Validation and Test
Thomas Gaudette The Mathworks
Presentation on the use of Verification & Validation and Test & Measurement functionalities in MATLAB to trace requirements to implementation, check models, develop and execute tests, and determine test completeness.
Tue Jan 9, 10am-12:00pm, 1-273

Control System Design Using MATLAB & Simulink as Interactive Graphical Tools
John Glass, Ph.D. The Mathworks
Demonstration of a MATLAB & Simulink-based integrated environment for design and implementation of a multi-loop control system for a robot arm, including systematic and automated compensator design combined with fault-management and mode logic.
Wed Jan 10, 10am-12:00pm, 1-273

MATLAB Modeling and Simulation of Communications and Video Processing Systems
Houman Zarrinkoub, Ph.D. The Mathworks
Overview of new capabilities of MATLAB and Simulink to model and simulate modern communications and/or video processing systems, such as performance and rate-distortion profile of a wireless communication system and design of a fixed-point video processing system.
Thu Jan 11, 10am-12:00pm, 1-273

MATLAB for Excel Users
Jiro Doke, Ph.D. The Mathworks
An introduction to using MATLAB to perform advanced analysis and visualization, including automated analysis workflow and report generation.
Thu Jan 18, 01am-03:00pm, 3-133

Advanced Programming Techniques for MATLAB
Loren Shure, Ph.D. The Mathworks
A master class for experienced MATLAB programmers. Overview of storing different MATLAB data types in memory and using different function types to produce more robust and maintainable code, solve optimization problems, and program GUIs more easily.
Thu Jan 18, 10am-12:00pm, 3-133

Financial Modeling and Analysis with MATLAB
Oren Rosen, Ph.D. The Mathworks
Presentation of the use of MATLAB to explore and model financial data. Case study of calculation of Value at Risk of an equity portfolio with Monte Carlo techniques, from import, visualization, and clean up of data stored in Excel, to detailed report generation.
Thu Jan 18, 04-06:00pm, 3-133

MATLAB Model-Based Design of a Power Window System: Modeling, Simulation, and Validation
Pieter Mosterman, Ph.D. The Mathworks
Presentation of MATLAB computational models to design a power window controller, showing how plant models with different levels of detail can be used to design and validate controller models that address different aspects of the requirements.
Fri Jan 19, 01-03:00pm, 3-133
Latest update: 20-Dec-2006

Massachusetts Institute of Technology
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