Charity Knitting/Crocheting - Red Scarf Project
Katie Livingston Vale, MIT Knitting and Crocheting Group
Thu Jan 11, 18, 25, 12-01:30pm, 10-384
No enrollment limit, no advance sign up
Repeating event. Participants welcome at any session
The Red Scarf Project, a project of the Orphan Foundation of America, collects red (and other unisex-colored) scarves to send in Valentine's Day care packages to college students who have aged out of foster care. MIT knitters and crocheters will be making scarves to contribute to this worthy project. Can't craft with us on Thursdays? Turn in your completed scarf by Jan 25th and we'll include in the the MIT package.
Contact: Katie Livingston Vale, N42-250, x3-6690,
Sponsor: Information Services and Technology
Latest update: 22-Dec-2006