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IAP 2007 Activity

The Path Less Taken: MIT Alumni Discuss Lessons from the Outside
John Ankcorn, Stever Robbins, Ed Schwalenberg
Thu Jan 11, 02-03:30pm, 24-619

No enrollment limit, no advance sign up
Single session event

NOTE CHANGE OF TIME TO JANUARY 11th: Three MIT alumni will discuss the different paths they have taken since leaving MIT. These paths include: founding two software companies (one in Boston, one in London) and working in Japan for 11 years, becoming an executive coach, author, and communication skills consultant, and conducting scientific research in Antarctica. They will also talk about "what I didn't learn at MIT but wished I had". A discussion about taking professional risks and using MIT education in non-traditional ways will be held following the presentations.
Contact: Holly Sweet, 24-612, x3-7786, hbsweet@mit.edu
Sponsor: Experimental Study Group
Latest update: 05-Jan-2007

Massachusetts Institute of Technology
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