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IAP 2007 Activity

TSM: Who Needs Backups Anyway?
David Kalenderian, Robert Lang, Patrick Whitney
Thu Jan 25, 01-02:30pm, 1-150

Enrollment limited: first come, first served
Limited to 40 participants.

Are you thinking about backing up your files, but, somehow, haven't done it

Perhaps, you've heard about TSM, the backup system at MIT, and want to learn
more about it.

Come to this session to get an overview of how TSM works; learn about downloading, installing, and configuring TSM; find out how to do a backup and also how to restore your files, and learn how you can encrypt your files.

TSM technical staff will be on hand to answer your TSM questions.
Contact: David Kalenderian, W91-213, x3-7548, davek@mit.edu
Sponsor: Information Services and Technology
Latest update: 03-Jan-2007

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