UROP & Choice of Major: Exploring the Majors through Research
Daniel Chapman, Melissa Martin-Greene
Wed Jan 17, 03:30-05:00pm, W20, 20 Chimneys
No enrollment limit, no advance sign up
Single session event
Not sure what you want to major in, wondering what research in a given course is really like, or having trouble deciding between one course and another? If so, then this session is for you! We will discuss different techniques for exploring the majors, learning more about departments, and specifically how participating in a UROP in an area of interest can help you as you choose your major. Snacks will be served and please bring your questions!
Contact: Daniel Chapman, 7-103, 253-6771, dwc@mit.edu
Sponsor: Office of Undergrad. Advising/Academic Programming
Latest update: 03-Jan-2007