Macedonian Dance and Song Workshops
Valarie Rosen
Sat Jan 20, 04-11:30pm, W20 2nd & 3rd floors
No enrollment limit, no advance sign up
Single session event
Prereq: none
Learn circle dances and songs with the complex rhythms of FYR Macedonia!
No experience necessary!
4:00-5:30 Singing workshop with Adrijana Alacka 5:45-7:30 Dance workshop with Ljupco Manevski 8:30-11:30 Dance party. Music by Goran Alachki and the Gogofski Trio
Ljupco Manevski is the dance director of Tanec, the National Folkloric Ensemble of Macedonia.
Accordionist Goran Alachki is among the finest musicians in FYR Macedonia, and a teacher at the musical school in Skopje. He will be joined by his wife, Adrijana Alacka, a highly acclaimed folk singer.
The Gogofski Trio is a Boston-based group comprised of Dave Golber (clarinet), Henry Goldberg (drums), Colin Ferguson (accordion), and Heather Lee (vocals). They perform gutsy Macedonian music, sometimes straying across borders into other countries.
Contact: MIT Folk Dance Club, (617) 484-3267, fdc-request@mit.ed
Sponsor: Folk Dance Club
Latest update: 16-Jan-2007