Hinduism: Philosophy and Practice
Varun Aggarwal
No enrollment limit, no advance sign up
Participants welcome at individual sessions (series)
Hinduism: Philosophy and Practice
Session I : Hinduism: An Inclusive Philosophy Session II : Hinduism: The details, the practitioners and why we differ Session III : Hinduism: The practices (Multiple Speakers)
Description: http://web.mit.edu/varun_ag/www/hinduism_course.html
Room No: TBD. Please mail varun_ag@mit.edu for info
Contact: Varun Aggarwal, varun_ag@mit.edu
Sponsor: SANGAM
Hinduism: An Inclusive Philosophy
Varun Aggarwal
The session starts with reflections on ‘What is Hinduism?’ and argues that the tradition warrants a personal inquiry. We starting with a question, building hypothesis to answer it, iterating to fix logical inconsistencies, till we reach a point, where we have an inclusive theory. In the process, we will have covered the theory of Karma, some ideas of Buddhism and Gita, Dualism and Non-Dualism.
Thu Jan 18, 07-08:30pm, 1-150
Hinduism: The practices (Multiple Speakers)
Multiple Speakers
Hinduism fosters many different practices. An unbiased way to look into these is to hear it from the practitioner himself/herself. We will have multiple speakers come up and tell what they take-back from Hinduism and apply in their routine life.
Thu Jan 25, 07-08:30pm, 1-150
Latest update: 22-Jan-2007