Why Not Wikipedia? --And When
Chris Capozzola, Amy Stout, Brian Keegan
Fri Jan 26, 11:30am-01:00pm, 5-217
No enrollment limit, no advance sign up
Single session event
What do you think about Wikipedia: Is it better than Britannica? Your social knowledge network? Breeding ground for “truthiness”? Part of the decline of the Enlightenment?
Come and discuss Wikipedia as a research tool and as a social & cultural phenomenon with MIT faculty, students, and librarians in science, engineering, and the humanities. We’ll also watch excerpts of a Wikipedia documentary produced by students and faculty from MIT Comparative Media Studies. Panelists will go over pros and cons; experiences as Wikipedia users and contributers; Wikipedia in the classroom; and implications for research.
Web: http://web.mit.edu/astout/www/wiki/
Contact: Michelle Baildon, 14S-222, x3-9352, baildon@mit.edu
Sponsor: Libraries
Cosponsor: History
Latest update: 16-Jan-2007