Boffing in the Park
Adam Seering
Sat Jan 27, 01:30-04:30pm, 259 St. Paul Street
No enrollment limit, no advance sign up
Single session event
Epsilon Theta is surrounded by several beautiful, green parks. It's fun to sit back and enjoy these relaxing natural spaces. Or you can use them for boffing!
We'll be dusting off our foam boffer sword collection and holding battles in the parks around ET. Come join us!; bring your own boffer, or borrow one of ours!
Coffee, Tea, and Hot Chocolate will be served after we get cold and come back inside.
The ET Van will pick up prospective boffers at the turnaround behind the MIT Chapel at 1:15pm. Call us at x3-8888 or 617-734-9211 for a ride!
Contact: Adam Seering, (617) 734-9211,
Sponsor: Kaya G Miller, W20-549, 617 253-4663,
Latest update: 11-Jan-2007