Biomatrix Mentoring Series
Anna Morys
Tue Jan 16, 10-11:00am, TBA (on MIT campus) Thu Jan 25, 05-06:30pm, TOMB, 186 Brookline
Enrollment limited: first come, first served
Signup by: 15-Jan-2007
Limited to 8 participants.
Participants requested to attend all sessions (non-series)
Prereq: none
Fee: 10.00 for Fee covers part of the entrance fee for TOMB.
Undergrads: Would you like to develop a personal relationship with a mentor in academia?
The Biomatrix Mentoring Series is your chance to get to know MIT Biology Professor Angelika Amon, Associate Professor of Biology at MIT.
At the first meeting in this series on Jan. 16, you’ll join ten students for (free) breakfast with Prof. Amon and a conversation about her career, followed by a lab tour. On January 25, you'll join the same students and Prof. Amon at TOMB, a team adventure in Boston. For more about TOMB, see TOMB Website
Students must commit to attending both events. The trip to TOMB will be partly subsidized by Biomatrix, but students must pay $10, and provide their transportation. Please bring your $10 to Cathy Modica in E25-518 by Jan. 16, in order to save your spot.
Contact: Anna Morys, (484) 252-9532,
Sponsor: Health Sciences & Technology
Latest update: 11-Jan-2007