Safer Sex Interactive Workshop
Abigail Francis
Thu Jan 25, 06-08:00pm, W20- Twenty Chimneys
No enrollment limit, no advance sign up
Single session event
In the style of Jeopardy, this is a no-holds barred gameshow tackling what's, why's and how's of safer sex, hosted by Dr. Howard Heller of MIT Medical. Newbie? Come learn! You think you know it all? See if your team wins. The best team wins (s)exciting \\*prizes\\*! Goodies and free giveaways for less stellar performers! Not interested in sex? Join us for dinner, served at the event. Sponsored by the Rainbow Coffeehouse and LBGT@MIT
Contact: Abigail Francis, 50-005, x3-0684,
Sponsor: Division of Student Life
Cosponsor: GLB Rainbow Coffeehouse
Latest update: 23-Jan-2007