Rugby for Women 101
Elizabeth Petersen Women's Rugby Coach
Tue Jan 30, 07:30-11:00pm, Johnson Infield
No enrollment limit, no advance sign up
Single session event
Prereq: None!
Ever wondered what a "ruck" is? In international rugby, why don't they just throw the ball forward? Is there any situation in life where I can just run into someone and knock them over without dire consequences? For these answers and more, come learn about rugby. We will teach basic skills and concepts involved in the sport and finish with a rousing game of touch rugby. For all MIT women; an athletics center membership or day pass is required for entry to the facility. Wear comfortable clothing and sneakers.
Contact: Olivia Leitermann, 10-015, x3-0207,
Sponsor: Women's Rugby Football Club
Latest update: 17-Jan-2007