Superconductor Factory Tour
Forrest Liau, Joseph John Walish
Mon Jan 29, 07:30am-12:30pm, meeting place TBD
Enrollment limited: advance sign up required (see contact below)
Limited to 10 participants.
Single session event
Ever wondered how a high tech materials company operates? How do you go from a laboratory concept, to a venture capital funded startup, and to a reputable company that is transforming the way we use energy? Join us for an exclusive field trip to American Superconductor to see for yourself!
TOUR IS FILLED! Please contact Forrest Liau,, to be placed on the waiting list.
Event: American Superconductor presentation and factory tour (transportation provided) Signup: Email ASAP to secure a spot.
Contact: Amy Shea, 35-413, x8-5816,
Sponsor: Materials Science and Engineering
Latest update: 23-Jan-2007