Hardcore Intro to Mathematica -- Empower Your Mathematical Skills with a Simple and Versatile Computing Language
Mats Ahlgren
Thu Jan 25, 03-06:00pm, 3-270
No enrollment limit, no advance sign up
Single session event
Prereq: Knowledge of functions, variables, arrays suggested
A rock-solid overview of the powerful and interesting things you can do with Mathematica, punctuated with real examples. Teaches valuable computational math skills for everyone.
Mathematica is a math-oriented work environment and programming language. It's expressive, elegant, and high-level (less coding!). It runs on all operating systems, is provided on Athena, and can be bought cheap by students. Once you learn it you won't be able to live without it.
Some uses for Mathematica: - Beefy calculator - Graphical plotting - Homework-facilitator - Advanced projects
Class brings beginners up to speed, then focuses on interesting intermediate/advanced topics.
IMPORTANT: Bring a well-charged laptop, and download the course materials from course website.
Cosponsored by Eta Kappa Nu.
Web: http://www.mit.edu/~mats_a/mathematica/iap2007
Contact: Mats Ahlgren, ahlgren@mit.edu
Sponsor: Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Latest update: 22-Jan-2007