Technique - The Yearbook of MIT
Alice Tao, Jen Huang, Dave Templeton
Mon Jan 8 thru Sun Feb 4, 12-10:00pm, W20-451
No enrollment limit, no advance sign up
Repeating event. Participants welcome at any session
Prereq: None whatsoever.
Every year, thousands of man-hours go into the production of Technique, the MIT yearbook. Miles of film are shot, gallons of photographic chemicals used, pages and pages of text written. Come and help, and while you're at it: learn anything you ever wanted to know about photography (film or digital) while exploring the best darkroom on campus, learn about publishing, recap a year at MIT in words, and work with the latest versions of Adobe design/layout applications. This is your chance to see how a handful of students put out a gorgeous 400-page coffeetable book. Our motto: Free Food, Free Film, Free Fun. NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY; just bring your enthusiasm for photography and/or graphic design. We'll be in the office pretty much every day in IAP - email for more info and just show up!
Contact: technique@mit.ed
Sponsor: Technique
Latest update: 16-Jan-2007