07:00 AM
Aqua Athlete (to 08:00 AM) Zesgier Shallow Pool
Group Exercise Pass (to 07:30 PM) Various
07:30 AM
Superconductor Factory Tour (to 12:30 PM) meeting place TBD
08:00 AM
Adult Beginning Swim (to 09:00 AM) Zesiger Shallow Pool
09:00 AM
Boeing 767 Cockpit Systems and Automation (to 01:00 PM) Room 33-116
Chinese Lion Dance Cancelled
Supply Chain at Boston Scientific Corp (to 10:30 AM) E51-325
09:30 AM
LabVIEW Series: LabVIEW Basics (to 04:30 PM) 32-144
10:00 AM
Build A Solar Vehicle: Open Work Sessions (to 04:00 PM) NW95
Computational Design Solutions: Parametric Modeling Using Digital Project (to 05:00 PM) 9-251
Crafts Morning (to 12:30 PM) Epsilon Theta
Mars Base Design Workshop (to 12:00 PM) 1-150
Skating 05033- (to 11:00 AM) Jophnson Ice Rink
Storytelling and Games in the Digital Age (to 05:00 PM) 14E-310
The Image of the City: the Legacy of Kevin Lynch, a Boston Summary: The Walkway to the Sea (to 12:00 PM) Room 10-485
Women's only Beginning Swim 05039-0 (to 11:00 AM) Alumni/Wang pool
11:00 AM
Baseball (Art of Hitting) (to 12:00 PM) Rockwell Cage
Plasma Science and Fusion Center IAP Series: Magnetic Reconnection; A Celestial Phenomenon in the Laboratory (to 12:00 PM) NW17-218
Segue into Service: a student panel discussion (to 12:30 PM) 2-105
Skating 05033-2 (to 12:00 PM) Johnson Ice Rink
Squash - Beginning - 05034 (to 12:00 PM) Z center courts
The Charismatic Speaker (to 01:00 PM) 1-390
12:00 PM
2007 EAPS Lecture Series: Diamonds - From Science to Sparkle: Diamonds and Kimberlite (to 01:00 PM) 54-910
Better Teaching @ MIT: Tech's Top Teachers Talk Turkey (to 01:00 PM) 9-057
Bootcamp I Location unavailable
Bootcamp I Location unavailable
Commercial Feasibility of Tether Based Orbital Transfer for Commercial Satellites, Space Station, and Lunar Base (to 01:00 PM) E40-308
Employment Regulations for F-1 Students (to 01:30 PM) 5-134
Financial Aid 101: How is My Institutional Contribution Determined? (to 01:00 PM) 1-134
Old Food: Ancient and Medieval Cooking (to 06:00 PM) Next House, Kitchen
Power Up!: Strategies for Getting Energy Information (to 01:00 PM) 14N-132
Tai Chi for Beginners (to 01:00 PM) E25-117
Technique - The Yearbook of MIT (to 10:00 PM) W20-451
The Feynman Films: Seeking New Laws (to 01:30 PM) 32-123
01:00 PM
Archery 05001-0 (to 02:00 PM) Rockwell Cage
Engineering Systems Challenges at Children's Hospital Boston (to 02:30 PM) E51-149
Fencing - Sabre 05028-1 (to 02:00 PM) Fencing
Ice Hockey - Beginning 05030-0 (to 03:00 PM) Johnson Ice-Rink
Math Contest in Modeling Training Session (to 03:00 PM) 2-131
Pistol - Beginning 05014-1 (to 03:00 PM) Pistol Range
Volleyball - Beginner 05054-0 (to 02:00 PM) Rockwell Cage
Weight Training 05007-2 (to 02:00 PM) duPont Weight Room
01:30 PM
Physics Lectures for the General MIT Community: jBig Science, Feynman Diagrams, Complexity, and Automating Physics (to 02:30 PM) 32-123
Taking the Next Step in Academic Science: Finding PostDoc Fellowships (to 03:00 PM) 68-181
02:00 PM
Archery 05001-1 (to 03:00 PM) Rockwell Cage
Crash Course in C (to 04:00 PM) 35-225
Fencing - Foil 05028-2 (to 03:00 PM) Fencing Room
LAB TOUR: Sloan Automotive Laboratory (to 03:30 PM) Basement of Bldg 31
Making the Most of Your Presentation (to 04:00 PM) 32-141
Plasma Science and Fusion Center IAP Series: Living on the Edge: Materials & Fusion Plasmas (to 03:00 PM) NW17-218
Volleyball (Intermediate) 05053-1 (to 03:00 PM) Rockwell Cage
Want to Be a Chemistry Magician? (to 03:00 PM) 2-139
02:30 PM
The State of the World Economy (to 03:30 PM) E51-335
03:00 PM
Dance - Persian Style (to 05:00 PM) Wang Fitness(57-170)
How to Design and Build Scientific Apparatuses (to 05:00 PM) 1-150
Intro. to the Theory of Transmission Electron Microscopy of Materials: Electron Energy-Loss Spectroscopy in the TEM (to 04:30 PM) 13-2137
Introduction to Blacksmithing (to 05:00 PM) 4-003
Sustaining Global Pressures: Women in Science and Engineering: Global initiatives for women in science and engineering (to 04:00 PM) 2-135
Vista: What Makes it a Safer Operating System? Cancelled
04:00 PM
Bouldering - Indoor Climbing - 05201-0 (to 05:30 PM) Walker
Hebrew Reading Marathon (to 08:00 PM) W11 - Small Dining
The Road To A Better World (to 06:00 PM) Room 2-136
04:30 PM
Ballroom Dance (to 06:00 PM) MAC Zesiger Center
Beginning Potter's Wheel - Section I (to 07:00 PM) W20-431
Oil Painting (to 07:00 PM) W20-425
What is Driving the Explosion in Online Media? (to 06:30 PM) 10-105
05:00 PM
Adult Beginning Swim - Evening (to 06:00 PM) Zesiger Shallow Pool
Egyptian-Influenced Belly Dance (to 06:30 PM) 50-201
Keeping Current: Using RSS Feeds to Stay Ahead in Your Research (to 06:00 PM) 14N-132 (DIRC)
Kickbox 1 (to 06:00 PM) T-club
05:30 PM
"Meditation Mondays" (to 06:30 PM) 50-005
Third Annual TA Workshop -- "TAcracy" : Effective Teaching Strategies for TAs, by TAs: Managing the TA Duty (to 07:00 PM) 34-401B
06:00 PM
Adult Advanced Beginner Swim (to 07:00 PM) Zesiger Shallow Poo
Esperanto for Beginners II (to 07:30 PM) 2-143
Introduction to Making Wood Furniture (to 08:00 PM) W31-031 Hobby Shop
Introduction to Ruby on Rails (to 08:00 PM) 2-105
Stress-Relieving Exercise (Tai Chi, and more) (to 07:30 PM) 34-401
The Scent of Paradise (to 07:30 PM) 6-120
Yoga 1 (to 07:00 PM) T-Club
06:30 PM
"Know Thyself": Tools for Self-Awareness with Dinner for the Body and Soul (to 07:30 PM) 50-005
07:00 PM
Are You Thinking About the Cambridge-MIT Exchange Program? (to 08:30 PM) 56-167
Introduction to Change Ringing on Handbells (to 10:00 PM) 3-442
Introduction to Contract Bridge (to 09:30 PM) 4-149
Islamic Angelology (to 08:30 PM) 1-135
MIT Salsa Club Workshop Series (to 08:30 PM) Check Website
MIT Tae Kwon Do Club (to 09:00 PM) DuPont Gym 2nd Floor
The 17th Annual Salute to Dr. Seuss (to 10:00 PM) 4-237
07:15 PM
Kokikai Aikido for Beginners (to 09:00 PM) W32 Wrestling Rm
07:30 PM
Basic Clay - Section Y (to 10:00 PM) W20-431
Not Casino Night (to 10:30 PM) Epsilon Theta
Pre - Masters Swimming (to 08:30 PM) Zesgier 50M Pool
Sport Tae Kwon Do 05012-0 (to 09:00 PM) duPont
Sport Taekwondo (to 09:00 PM) Du Pont
Stroke Technique (to 08:30 PM) Zesiger Shallow Pool
09:00 PM
American Jiu Jitsu Introduction to Self Defense Skills: Blunt Weapon Defense (Part II) (to 10:45 PM) DuPont Exercise Rm
Chinese Lion Dance (to 11:00 PM) Kresge Rehrsl Rm A
Self Defense for Everyone 05107-0 (to 10:30 PM) duPont