07:00 AM
Group Exercise Pass (to 07:30 PM) Various
08:00 AM
Adult Beginning Swim (to 09:00 AM) Zesiger Shallow Pool
FUTUREBOSTON@MASHUPCAMP (to 05:00 PM) Wong Auditorium
09:00 AM
A Quickie Introduction to LEED: Green Building Certification for Real Estate Developers, City Planners and Architects (to 05:00 PM) Room 56-114
Build Your Own Loudspeakers (to 11:00 AM) W31-031 Hobby Shop
Machine Shop Course (to 11:00 AM) 1-3pm
09:30 AM
House Manager 101 for FSILGs (to 02:00 PM) 1-390
10:00 AM
An Introductory Course to MATLAB (to 11:00 AM) 14-0637
Biomatrix Mentoring Series (to 11:00 AM) TBA (on MIT campus)
From Innovation To Commercially Viable Products (to 12:00 PM) 1-134
Marxism Today: Is there any Left left in the US? (to 12:00 AM) 1-379
Realizing the Inner Qualities of Leadership in You (to 12:30 AM) 32-124
Skating 05033- (to 11:00 AM) Jophnson Ice Rink
Sponge (to 05:00 PM) N52-318
Using Pin for Computer Architecture and Compiler Research (to 12:00 PM) 36-156
Women's only Beginning Swim 05039-0 (to 11:00 AM) Alumni/Wang pool
form.z Workshops at MIT (to 04:00 PM) AVT - 7-431
10:30 AM
Opera - the Ultimate Dramatic Experience (to 01:00 PM) 4-160
11:00 AM
Baseball (Art of Hitting) (to 12:00 PM) Rockwell Cage
Skating 05033-2 (to 12:00 PM) Johnson Ice Rink
Squash - Beginning - 05034 (to 12:00 PM) Z center courts
12:00 PM
History and Mystery of the Tarot: The Art of the Tarot Location unavailable
International Luncheon (to 02:00 PM) 26-414, Kolker Room
Issues in Technology and Policy Seminar Series: t.b.a. (to 01:30 PM) E51-149
MEMS 101: Introduction to Microelectromechanical Systems (to 02:30 PM) 3-270
Outlook 2003 Quick Start (to 01:00 PM) N42-Demo Center
Technique - The Yearbook of MIT (to 10:00 PM) W20-451
The Feynman Films: The Great Conservation Principles (to 01:30 PM) 32-123
World Religions - Interaction between God and Man (to 01:00 PM) W11-180
Yoga 2 (to 01:00 PM) T-club
12:30 PM
A Sampling of Careers in Biology: Science Communication and Publishing (to 02:00 PM) 68-181
Reading Film Sequences: Hitchcock, Shakespeare, Short Films (to 02:00 PM) 9-355c
T4: Tea for Tuesday Torah Teaching Time (to 01:30 PM) W11 - Board Room
01:00 PM
"The Name of the Disease": Documentary (to 02:30 PM) E52-175
"The Non-Euclidean World, History, Geometry, and Analysis" (to 02:00 PM) 2-143
Aikido - 05108 Cancelled
Aikido 05108-0 (to 02:30 PM) duPont
Archery 05001-0 (to 02:00 PM) Rockwell Cage
Body SMARTS 05010-0 (to 03:00 PM) duPont
Fencing - Sabre 05028-1 (to 02:00 PM) Fencing
Figure Skating 05042-0 (to 03:00 PM) Johnson Ice Rink
Introduction to MATLAB on Laptops: MATLAB: Programming Practice (to 03:00 PM) 32-124
Introductory Circuit Analysis: Pre-6.002 (to 03:00 PM) 36-144
Pistol - Intermediate 05014-2 (to 03:00 PM) Pistol Range
RAD (Rape Aggression Defense) (to 03:00 PM) duPont T-Club
Unleashing the Creative Potential of Collaborative Innovation Networks (to 04:00 PM) E51-145
Volleyball - Beginner 05054-0 (to 02:00 PM) Rockwell Cage
Weight Training 05007-2 (to 02:00 PM) duPont Weight Room
01:30 PM
Physics Lectures for the General MIT Community: dTopic TBA (to 02:30 PM) 32-123
02:00 PM
Archery 05001-1 (to 03:00 PM) Rockwell Cage
Augmentation of the Tsunami Early Warning System (to 03:00 PM) Room 33-206
Fencing - Foil 05028-2 (to 03:00 PM) Fencing Room
Hacking Second Life (to 05:00 PM) TBA
Highlights of Aeronautics and Astronautics: Augmentation of the Tsunami Early Warning System (to 03:00 PM) Room 33-206
Leadership Under Fire (to 04:00 PM) E38-202
Programming in PostScript (to 03:00 PM) 4-261
Psychology of Tennis (to 03:30 PM) 24-619
Volleyball (Intermediate) 05053-1 (to 03:00 PM) Rockwell Cage
02:30 PM
The Connections are Infinite – MIT’s Alumni Network (to 04:30 PM) 10-105
03:00 PM
'Library Music' - installation and workshop at the Lewis Music Library: Installation (to 05:00 PM) Lewis Music Library
Acing the Case: An Introduction to Case Interviewing (to 04:30 PM) 37-212
EndNote Basics - CLASS FULL (to 04:00 PM) 14N-132, DIRC
For Graduate Students: Careers Fields After MIT: For Graduate Students: Career Fields After MIT (PATENT LAW, INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY, TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER) (to 04:30 PM) 10-250
Internship Search for Undergrads (to 04:30 PM) 24-121
Intro. to the Theory of Transmission Electron Microscopy of Materials: The Hardware (to 04:30 PM) 13-2137
Making Multimedia in the New Media Center (to 04:30 PM) 26-139
ON BLINDNESS: Seeing Apparatus and Visual Language for People who are Blind or Sight Impaired (to 06:00 PM) N52-390
Using Virtualization to Explore Issues in Network Security (to 04:00 PM) 32-155
03:15 PM
Upgrade your Health and Happiness in 7 Short Days 05015-0 (to 05:00 PM) Media Room, W35
04:00 PM
Behind the Curtain (to 07:00 PM) E15-320
Bouldering Indoor Climbing 05201-0 (to 05:30 PM) Walker
Containment (to 06:30 PM) W20-431
Effective Speaking (to 06:00 PM) 1-390
Introduction to MATLAB on Athena Computers: MATLAB: Programming Practice (to 06:00 PM) 1-115
Make a Difference! Use Your Skills and Interests to Help Developing Countries (to 05:00 PM) 10-500
05:00 PM
Adult Beginning Swim - Evening (to 06:00 PM) Zesiger Shallow Pool
Breakdance 101 (to 06:00 PM) Lobby 13
IAP Skiing & Snowboarding 05022-0 (to 11:00 PM) Westford, MA
In Vino Veritas (to 08:00 PM) 35-410
Pilates 1 (to 06:00 PM) T-club
Wikis, Blogs, and Photo Galleries Made Easy: How to Use scripts.mit.edu to Create a Supercharged Website (to 06:00 PM) 1-134
05:30 PM
Morphology in Tree I.D. (to 07:30 PM) Stella Room 7-338
05:45 PM
Dinner@Six -- Free Dinner with MIT Faculty (to 07:00 PM) W11 - Small Dining
06:00 PM
Adult Advanced Beginner Swim (to 07:00 PM) Zesiger Shallow Poo
Basic Machine Shop Skills and Techniques (to 08:00 PM) W31-031 Hobby Shop
Do You Like to Sing? Ever Thought of Being in a Science Oratorio? (to 08:00 PM) Morse School
Environmental Film Festival: "Water Warriors"; "A Drop of Life" (to 09:00 PM) 32-124
Esperanto for Beginners (to 07:30 PM) 2-143
Giving Back -- Contributing to Debian and the New Maintainer Process (to 07:00 PM) 1-134
QWiLLTS Film Fest (to 10:00 PM) 50-005
Running 101:5K training (to 07:00 PM) Zesiger Ctr Lobby
Running 102: Half Marathon Training (to 07:00 PM) Zesgier Ctr Lobby
Step 1 (to 07:00 PM) T-Club
06:30 PM
Winter School (to 09:00 PM) 35-225
07:00 PM
"PV in 2012: What's Next in Photovoltaic Technology, Policy, and Economics?": "Photovoltaic Manufacturing on the Multi-GW Scale" (to 08:30 PM) 66-144
About Spouts (to 10:00 PM) W20-431
Breakdancing Sessions with Imobilare (to 09:30 PM) Lobby 13
Islamic Theology: Scripture and Prophethood (to 08:30 PM) 1-135
Judo (to 09:00 PM) DuPont Wrestling rm
Round Dance for Beginners: Waltz (to 08:00 PM) Lobdell
Squash Group Clinic - Intermediate & Advanced (to 08:00 PM) Zesiger Squash Court
Tango Bootcamp (to 08:30 PM) 36-156
Tuberculosis InfoSession (to 08:30 PM) 4-261
07:30 PM
Ballroom Dance Workshops: Waltz (to 09:00 PM) Morss Hall (Walker)
Beginning Life Drawing (to 10:00 PM) W20-425
Pre - Masters Swimming (to 08:30 PM) Zesgier 50M Pool
Stroke Technique (to 08:30 PM) Zesiger Shallow Pool
Tae Kwon Do 05012-1 (to 09:00 PM) duPont
08:00 PM
Dark Chocolate Tasting (to 10:00 PM) W20-491
Electronic Music Production (to 09:00 PM) TBA
Nethack: Ascend to the status of Demigod this IAP! (to 10:00 PM) 1-115
08:30 PM
Underwater Hockey (to 10:00 PM) z-center pool
10:00 PM
Advanced Web Design for the Nocturnal Code Monkey (to 12:00 AM) 37-312