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IAP 2009 Activities by Category

Life Sciences: Hands-on

Practically Genomic
Charlie Whittaker, AJ Bhutkar, Courtney Crummett
Mon Jan 26, Wed Jan 28, Fri Jan 30, 11am-01:00pm, 14N-132

Enrollment limited: first come, first served
Limited to 20 participants.
Participants requested to attend all sessions (non-series)

Genomics, microarrays, and massively parallel applications such as next generation sequencing have made biology research a highly quantitative field. As a result, many biologists face the challenge of mastering computers and computational methods. Our sessions are designed to begin the process. We will provide an overview of some of the bioinformatics tools and methods mandated by modern biological research. Practical examples will be used to introduce powerful aspects of the Unix operating system, Perl, R, Excel and MySQL. We will also instruct attendees on the usage of bioinformatics tools for genomics, phylogenetics and microarray data analysis. Topics to be covered include the UCSC genome browser, GALAXY, Argo, GenePattern, Bioconductor, ClustalX, and a variety of functional annotation methods.
Web: http://luria.mit.edu/Jan_09_IAP/
Contact: Charlie Whittaker, E18-366, x4-0337, charliew@mit.edu
Sponsor: David H. Koch Inst. for Integrative Cancer Researc
Cosponsor: Libraries

Repair of Basic Laboratory Equipment
Charles Moses
Tue Jan 13, 20, 07-09:00pm, 68-077

Enrollment limited: first come, first served
Participants requested to attend all sessions (non-series)
Prereq: none

Sponsored by Graduate Women in Science.--Engineer Charles Moses will conduct a course on repair of laboratory equipment, geared toward but not limited to beginners. Equipment will include: electrophoresis units, spectrophotometers, motors on shakers and centrifuges, etc. General topics will also include: assessing the tools required to disassemeble, fix and reassemble a piece of equipment; tool quality; and rational disassembly of equipment when the function of some component is not known. Bring broken equipment on which to practice. Session starts at 7:00 p.m. in Project Lab, Bldg 68.
Contact: Brenda Minesinger, 68-641, x3-4721, bminesin@mit.edu
Sponsor: Biology

Courtney Crummett, Amy Stout
Wed Jan 21, 11am-12:00pm, DIRC 14N-132

Enrollment limited: first come, first served
Limited to 20 participants.
Single session event

Want to know more about how BLAST works and how to use it more effectively in your research? Then this class is for you! This class will follow up on Bioinformatics for Beginners and lead into Advanced Bioinformatics, although attendance at the other sessions is not necessary.
Contact: Courtney Crummett, 14S-134, x4-8290, crummett@mit.edu
Sponsor: Libraries

Massachusetts Institute of Technology
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Last update: 30 September 2004