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IAP 2009 Activities by Sponsor

Center for Advanced Visual Studies

Center Sponge
Hope Ginsburg
Mon Jan 26 thru Fri Jan 30, 10am-05:00pm, N52-390

Enrollment limited: first come, first served
Signup by: 15-Jan-2009
Limited to 10 participants.
Participants requested to attend all sessions (non-series)

CAVS welcomes artist & MIT alumna Hope Ginsburg and her IAP Center Sponge, a five-day experience in total immersion. During each "absorb-a-thon" day, one theme will be explored in depth: Organism, Fantastical Realism, Optimism, Cynicism, and Metabolism. The event will culminate in an exhibition hosted by CAVS.

Center Sponge will string together encounters with the ocean floor, outer space, maple-sugaring, and singing in the rain. After a week of visiting expert presentations, film screenings, one intensive ukulele lesson, and three field trips (to an aquarium, a planetarium, and a museum), you will “wring-out” by delivering a presentation of your own. Prepare to leave the workshop (with a ukulele) ready to conduct future Sponges.
Web: http://www.hopeginsburg.com/sponge.php
Contact: Meg Rotzel, N52-390, x3-4415, mrotzel@mit.edu

Creative Electronics
Jessica Rylan
Tue Jan 20 thru Fri Jan 23, 02-05:00pm, N52-390

Enrollment limited: first come, first served
Signup by: 14-Jan-2009
Limited to 12 participants.
Participants requested to attend all sessions (non-series)

This electronics building workshop IAP is designed for people who want to make creative use of electronics, but need some foundations. Over four days, we’ll start with the basics (how to read schematics and solder) and move on to the practical: adapting circuits to your own purposes, and making something that actually works.

Simultaneously, we’ll build a complicated audio circuit, one sub-system at a time. The finished project will make noises, transform audio inputs, exhibit chaotic behavior, and. . . we’ll see what you come up with!

Here is more detail about the topics to be covered: overview of overviews: safety, schematics, print and web resources commercial information: data sheets, catalogs, online sales creative electronics: learning to push the envelope
Web: http://Visit http://cavs.mit.edu/artists.html?id=50,330
Contact: Meg Rotzel, N52-390, x3-4415, mrotzel@mit.edu

Massachusetts Institute of Technology
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Last update: 30 September 2004