IAP 2009
overview participate organize offerings calendar



Members of the MIT Community planning to attend and/or organize IAP offerings should make note of these important dates and deadlines:

  • IAP 2010

    • Early October 2009: IAP posting system available. Beginning this month, activity and subject descriptions may be submitted to the online. Organizers should post completed listings by the first week of November and then as they become available.

    • Early November 2009: IAP 2010 for-credit subjects and non-credit activities are available for online viewing and are updated daily.

    • Monday, January 4, 2010: IAP 2010 begins

    • Friday, January 29, 2010: IAP 2010 ends

  • Departmental Deadlines

    • TBD: Students begin pre-registration on WebSIS. Class lists will be available online.

    • TBD: Deadline for submission of IAP grades.

  • Student Deadlines

    • TBD. Starting on this date, all continuing students taking non-lotteried credit subjects must pre-register on WebSIS.

    • TBD. Students register for IAP Physical Education classes through the new physical education website: http://mitpe.com. Click on the registration tab.

    • TBD. The pre-registration system will stay open through the end of this day so that students may update the information in WebSIS to reflect their IAP subject adds and drops. After 5PM on this date, IAP pre-registration will be closed so that grade sheets can be prepared.


Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Home | Overview | Participate | Organize | Offerings | Calendar | Search
Comments and questions to iap-www AT mit.edu | Last update: 19 August 2008, DUE staff, 617-253-1668