IAP 2010
overview participate organize offerings calendar

How to "Rollover" a Posting from Last Year

Posting a New Subject

How to Develop a Series Posting

Working With Your Current Year's Postings

Also see

Post/Revise Your IAP Subjects


This page provides detailed information on using online IAP posting forms to submit for-credit subject descriptions for review, including instructions on renewing IAP subject postings from previous years, posting a new subject, and accessing your current year's postings. It might be helpful to print these instructions to use as a ready reference while posting a subject description. This page contains instructions only; all posting work starts from your personal IAP Posting Summary page.

How to "Rollover" a Posting from a Previous IAP

All approved listings from a previous IAP are available for "rollover" to the current year. To access the list of rollover candidates and perform the rollover you must be authorized for the sponsoring group.

The current list of sponsoring groups and their authorized representatives is available on the Sponsoring Groups and Authorized Users page. If you have questions, please contact IAP Staff at iap-www@mit.edu.

  • On your IAP Posting summary page, find the listing you want to rollover:

  • Scroll down to the 'Rollover Candidates' listing.

    • If you have more than 20 listings, you need first to select Rollover Candidates' on your summary page.

    • If you don't find the listing you are looking for, check that you are still authorized for the sponsoring group. The personal IAP posting summary page shows your authorizations. You will see the detail page for the rollover listing, without the schedule or leaders from last year.

  • Select the subject from a previous that you wish to rollover. You will see the detail page for the rollover listing, without the schedule or leaders from that year.

  • Select 'Edit' to rollover this prior-year listing to IAP 2010 and start making your edits. The edit form will contain the titles, descriptions, prerequisites, enrollment and attendance options from last year's posting.

  • Enter the leaders and schedule for this year's listing(s).

  • Proofread the listing for other changes you need to make.

  • Click on 'Verify and Save Current Form Contents'. This is when your rollover occurs.

  • When you save the new listing, you will again see the Detail page with your changes.

  • When you return to your personal Summary page (by clicking on Posting Summary' or one of the status code categories), the listing will appear under 'Draft' listing for the current year. It no longer appears on the Rollover Candidate list.

Word limits are strictly enforced. You may be required to shorten descriptions being rolled over from previous years.

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How to Develop a New Subject

Subjects are for-credit offerings during IAP. Only department IAP Administrators may post subjects.

On the IAP Department summary page:

  • Locate 'Add (or Rollover Subject).'
    Enter the subject code and number, and Click on 'Add Subject'.

  • You will receive a Subject Input Form for the subject.

    • The IAP subject, title, level, units of credit, grading, prerequisites, and subject description from the MIT Catalogue are automatically filled in.

    • If the subject is of type 'Special Topics', you must enter units of credit.

    • Add the auxiliary IAP description, title, IAP prerequisite and other data. Note: Word limits are strictly enforced.

    • If you have entered a subject number used in a prior IAP, that subject's description will appear on the form.

  • Your edits are saved when you click on 'Verify and Save Current Form Contents'.
  • When you save the new listing, you will return to the Detail page.

  • From the Detail page you can proofread your listing, return to the edit forms, or submit or withdraw it.

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How to Develop a Series Posting

A series posting is a listing for which the attendance option is 'Participants/Listeners May Attend Individual Sessions'. When you specify that a subject is of series type, individual sessions are listed in the IAP Guide with their title, leaders, and descriptions.

To specify that your posting is of series type:

  • On the posting input form:

    • Enter the basic form information including the leaders, description, etc. for the series as a whole.

    • Select the series attendance option: 'Listeners May Attend Individual Sessions' (Subject).

    • Enter the schedule for your series. Use the most common times and locations when the schedule varies.

  • When you initially return to the Detail page (by clicking on 'Verify and Save Current Form Contents'), you will see that each day of your schedule is assigned to a different session.

  • Edit the individual sessions by clicking on 'Edit this Session' to go to the 'Subject Session Form'.
    • The session input form allows you to enter the title, description, leaders, and schedule for one session at a time.

    • Note: one session can span more than one day. Each session can meet at different times and in different locations.

    • When you are finished editing one session, edit the next by clicking on 'Save this Session, Start Next' or return to the Detail Page by clicking on 'Save this Session, Return to Detail'.

  • Back on the Detail Page, you can choose to remove extraneous sessions or add new sessions.

Special features of series listings:

  • When you edit the main description for a series listing, you will see the schedule for your listing but not be able to change it. Use the Individual session forms to change the schedule.

  • If you accidentally specified that your listing is of type 'series', you can change the attendance option to the correct one and the next time you edit the listing, you will be able to change the schedule on the main listing.

  • If you accidentally did not specify 'series' when you meant to, you can change the attendance option on the main edit input form to series' type and then use the 'Add new session' option on the Detail page to specify individual sessions.

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How to Work with Your Current Year's Postings

On your IAP summary page:

  • Scroll down to your Subject Listings.

    • If you have more than 20 listings, on your IAP summary page, you will need first to select a category of IAP status to see.

  • Select the subject that you wish to edit.

  • You will receive the detail page for the listing.

  • The options you have depend upon the status of your listing:
    • If your listing is in 'Draft' status, you can edit, submit, withdraw it.

    • If your listing is submitted but not yet approved, you can only view it.

    • If your listing is 'Approved', you can start work on a new version of it. The currently approved version remains in the Guide until the new one is submitted and approved.

  • Select 'Edit' to work on your listing.
    • You will receive the Subject Input form filled in with all the data from the detail listing so you can change it.

    • Make your changes and proof them.

  • Your work is saved only when you click on 'Verify and Save Current Form Contents'.

  • When you save the listing, you will return to the Detail page.

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Comments and questions to iap-www AT mit.edu | Last update: 19 August 2008, DUE staff, 617-253-1668