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IAP 2010 Activity

Individual Consultations at the Writing and Communication Center
Steven Strang
Mon-Fri, Jan 4-8, 11-15, 19-22, 25-29, 10am-03:00pm, 12-132

No limit but advance sign up required (see contact below)
Repeating event. Participants welcome at any session
Prereq: none

The Writing Center's professional staff will offer free consultations on any communication issue (writing,speaking, presentation) including finding topics, generating ideas, improving grammar and stye, organizing documents, and using evidence. We can help with theses from any department, application essays, resumes, articles for publication, proposals,course papers. Practice your oral presentations,work on slide design, etc. Go to our online scheduler to schedule an appointment.
Web: http://humanistic.mit.edu/wcc/appointments
Contact: Steven Strang, 12-120, 253-4459, smstrang@mit.edu
Sponsor: Writing and Communication Center
Latest update: 26-Oct-2009

Massachusetts Institute of Technology
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Comments and questions to: iap-www@mit.edu Academic Resource Center, Room 7-104, 617-253-1668
Last update: 19 August 2010