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IAP 2010 Activity

2010 EAPS Lecture Series: The Moon
Linda Elkins-Tanton
No enrollment limit, no advance sign up
Participants welcome at individual sessions (series)

On this 40th anniversary of man landing on the Moon, we will explore the intersecting topics of lunar space missions, both recent and future, the policy and engineering of sending robotic and manned missions to the Moon, and the state of lunar science, from the distant origins of the body to the most recent discoveries.
Contact: Vicki McKenna, 54-910, x3-3380, vsm@mit.edu
Sponsor: Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences

The Search for a Lunar Dynamo
Ian Garrick-Bethell Goddard Space Flight Center
The Moon does not presently possess a global magnetic field, but lunar rocks are magnetized and the lunar crust contains strong magnetic anomalies. Two explanations for this are an ancient core dynamo and a process related to the impact of meteoroids. Using the magnetic remanence carried by an ancient lunar rock, we have found evidence of a core dynamo on the early Moon.

webcast: http://lunarscience.arc.nasa.gov/
Tue Jan 19, 12-01:00pm, 54-915

Water, water, everywhere?
Prof. Carle Pieters Professor, Brown University
Tue Jan 19, 01:30-02:00pm, 54-915

Water and other volatiles in lunar magmas
Reid Cooper Professor, Brown University
Tue Jan 19, 02-02:30pm, 54-915

Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter observations of hydrogen on the Moon
Maria Zuber
Tue Jan 19, 02:30-03:00pm, 54-915

Early lunar evolution:The origin and likely levels of interior water
Linda Elkins-Tanton
Tue Jan 19, 03-03:30pm, 54-915

Meet the Moon rocks
Tim Grove
Meet the moon rocks in a lab setting, including examining them through a petrographic microscope.
Tue Jan 19, 04-05:00pm, 54-317

Placing People on the Moon: A Look at the Technical and Political Contexts
Phil Hattis Draper Laboratory/AIAA Vice President for Public Policy
Getting people to the Moon requires sustained effort to develop the technical capability with the political support to fund those programs and their human spaceflight application. The technology and the political status at the time of Apollo will be reviewed. That will be compared and contrasted with the current technical capabilities and political environment which are impacting efforts to return to the Moon and beyond.
Wed Jan 20, 12-01:00pm, 54-915

Rocks from the Moon: What we learned from samples returned by the Apollo astronauts
Prof. Tim Grove
Mon Jan 25, 12-01:00pm, 54-915
Latest update: 14-Jan-2010

Massachusetts Institute of Technology
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Last update: 19 August 2010