Introduction to Change Ringing on Handbells
Cally Perry, Asher Kaboth, James Whiting, Danielle Morse
Mon Jan 4, 11, 07:30-09:00pm, 5-232 and 5-234 Mon Jan 18, 07:30-09:00pm, 36-155 and 36-156 Mon Jan 25, 07:30-09:00pm, 5-232 and 5-234
No enrollment limit, no advance sign up
Repeating event. Participants welcome at any session
An introduction to the traditional British way of ringing bells called change ringing. Because of the way the bells are hung in a church tower, we do not ring tunes on the bells. Instead, we ring permutations of the bell orders by following particular mathematical patterns. Come hear about change-ringing, listen to us practice on handbells, and learn how to do it yourself.
Contact: Danielle Morse,
Sponsor: Guild of Bellringers
Latest update: 08-Dec-2009