A Sampling of Careers in Biology
Biology Department & Biology Graduate Students
No enrollment limit, no advance sign up
Participants welcome at individual sessions (series)
Prereq: none
MIT Biology is proud to present the IAP Program "Sampling of Careers in Biology". This program will cover non-traditional paths for Biology PhD's. Please join us at six exciting seminars featuring speakers who are at the top of these respective fields.
Web: http://web.mit.edu/biology/www/biology/iap.html
Contact: Thomas Schwartz, 68-480, x2-3851, tus@mit.edu
Sponsor: Biology
N. Aziz, T. Soliman, C. Lockshin, R. Myers, P. Weigele
Join us for short talks and a question and answer session with scientists who have made the jump into industry at companies such as Novartis, Alnylam Pharmaceuticals, New England Biolabs, and Vitrimark, Inc. What is it like? What's the best place for you? Startups, medium biotech, or big pharma?
Thu Jan 7, 02-03:30pm, 68-181
Careers in Law
Megan Gustafson, John Li, Gayathri Srinvasan
What kinds of opportunities exist for PhDs in law-related professions? What are these careers like and are they right for me? Come hear from three PhD scientists who are bridging science and law through careers in a law firm, a biotechnology company, or an academic research center.
Fri Jan 8, 01-02:00pm, 68-181
Careers Outside the Box
Rocco Casagrande, Nina Dudnik, Connie Chow, Melina Fan
Leverage your PhD to tackle exciting challenges that require thinking outside the box. Learn how a Biology Department graduate used his degree as a biological weapons inspector for the United Nations. Be inspired by a former biologist who started her own nonprofit to forward important advances in science development worldwide. Open your mind to creative career options that build on your experiences in the lab.
Fri Jan 15, 01-02:30pm, 68-181
Science Communication and Publishing
Brian Plosky, Angela Egglestron, Lissa Harris, Emily Singer
The future of science depends on dissemination of scientific knowledge, both within the scientific community and beyond it to larger society. Learn about publishing jobs at scientific journals and at publications for a broader audience. Learn what it's like to be a science journalist. Come find out what skills you need for a career in science communications.
Thu Jan 21, 02-03:30pm, 68-181
Science Education and Outreach
Susan Heilman, Alice Rushforth, Catherine Wolf, Megan Rokop
Interested in teaching science without the bench work and grant writing that comes with a professorship? Come learn about science education from teachers in the classroom and the community. Hear about teaching high school versus college. Learn about doing educational outreach at a museum or an institute.
Tue Jan 26, 03:30-05:00pm, 68-181
Science Policy
M. I. Freedhoff, P. Frumhoff, K. Myers, D. Gallahan
Major decisions are made in Washington that affect our research budgets, health care, and environment. As scientists we can get involved in the policymaking process and provide valuable expertise and analysis to some of the big questions of our day. Come meet PhD’s who make science policy on Capital Hill, implement policy at the NIH, and advocate for science-based, responsible policy at a nonprofit think tank.
Fri Jan 29, 01-02:30pm, Whitehead Auditorium
Latest update: 23-Dec-2009