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IAP 2010 Activity

EHS Representative Orientation
Pam Greenley
Thu Jan 21, 09:30am-12:30pm, N52-496

Enrollment limited: advance sign up required (see contact below)
Limited to 25 participants.
Single session event
Prereq: Register at http://mit.edu/environment/training/.

This is a training course for new and existing EHS reps on their role in the EHS Management System, their responsibilites under the EHS-MS, and a brief overview of EHS issues they may be asked about by their lab mates.

Topics include:
--- Interacting with your PI and labmates
--- Updating your lab's PI/Space registration database
--- Helping new people complete the Training Needs Assessment
--- Generating training reports for your lab group
--- How to conduct a Level I inspection
--- How is your lab evaluated during a Level II inspection
--- EHS issues and resources like finding MSDS's, how to set-up chemical storage, and what to look for in hazardous waste satellite accumulation areas.
Web: http://mit.edu/environment/training/
Contact: Melissa Kavlakli, N52-496, x2-3233, mjpotter@mit.edu
Sponsor: Environment, Health and Safety Office
Latest update: 07-Oct-2009

Massachusetts Institute of Technology
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Comments and questions to: iap-www@mit.edu Academic Resource Center, Room 7-104, 617-253-1668
Last update: 19 August 2010