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IAP 2010 Activity

EECS Teaching Assistant Workshop
Dennis Wei
No limit but advance sign up required (see contact below)
Signup by: 18-Jan-2010
Participants welcome at individual sessions (series)
Prereq: EECS graduate students interested in teaching

Want to improve your teaching skills and your chances of getting a TAship in the future? Please come to the annual EECS TA Workshop. We will have group discussions focused on different aspects of TAing, led by experienced TAs who will share some of the things they wish they had known before they began teaching.

Individual practice teaching sessions will be arranged for
those interested.

Dinner provided.
Web: http://eecsgsa.mit.edu/events/php
Contact: Dennis Wei, dwei@mit.edu
Sponsor: Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Cosponsor: EECS Graduate Students Association

Basics of TAing
Dennis Wei
What can I do to ensure that my students learn the material?
How do I write good problem sets and solutions? How much time does TAing really take? How do I make progress in my research, keep up in my classes, and do a good job as a TA, all in the same term?
Wed Jan 20, 06-07:30pm, 34-401B

Teaching Tutorials and Recitations
Dennis Wei
What are the differences between recitations and tutorials? How do I encourage my students to interact with me and each other? How much should I prepare and present, and how much time should I devote to answering students' questions? What are some good uses of office hours?
Mon Jan 25, 06-07:30pm, 34-401B
Latest update: 15-Jan-2010

Massachusetts Institute of Technology
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Comments and questions to: iap-www@mit.edu Academic Resource Center, Room 7-104, 617-253-1668
Last update: 19 August 2010