Introduction to Blacksmithing
Mike Tarkanian, Samuel Allen
Tue Jan 19, 03-05:00pm, 4-003 Wed Jan 20, 01-03:00pm, 4-003 Thu Jan 21, 03-05:00pm, 4-003 Fri Jan 22, 05-07:00pm, 4-003
Enrollment limited: advance sign up required (see contact below)
Signup by: 09-Dec-2009
Limited to 18 participants.
Participants requested to attend all sessions (non-series)
Prereq: Preference given to freshman and Course 3 students (UG or G)
A mandatory introductory session with demonstration will be held for all participants from 3–5 PM on January 19. At this meeting, students will select Lab Group 1, 2 or 3 and attend that group’s laboratory sessions for three consecutive afternoons.
Students will learn basic blacksmithing techniques using traditional tools to hand-forge mild steel. Drawing a taper, forming a scroll, twisting, and finishing techniques will be incorporated into simple projects. Limited to participants with no prior blacksmithing experience.
Contact: Mike Tarkanian, 8-003, x3-5946,
Sponsor: Materials Science and Engineering
Latest update: 23-Oct-2009