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IAP 2010 Activity

Tax Issues for Employees and Entrepreneurs
Howard Mandelcorn, Joseph Weber
Tue Jan 26, Wed Jan 27, 01-04:00pm, E51-151

No limit but advance sign up required (see contact below)
Participants requested to attend all sessions (non-series)

This course intends to expose students to a broad range of tax issues students will encounter shortly after graduation as an entrepreneur or an employee. For a new employee, taxes are an important consideration in decisions regarding deductions and retirement savings (through employee and employer contributions such as 401k's IRAs, etc). Taxes also feature prominently in decisions with respect to stock option-based compensation. Also, tax related issues for U.S. taxpayers working overseas will be addressed. For the entrepreneur, taxes also influence a new business venture's choice of entity: Corporation, LLC, Partnership, Sole Proprietorship. Instructor: Howard Mandelcorn is a partner at the Hutchings Baramian LLP law firm in Wellesley, Massachusetts.
Contact: Patrick X. Brown, (617) 253-6130, pxbrown@mit.edu
Sponsor: Sloan School of Management
Latest update: 03-Dec-2009

Massachusetts Institute of Technology
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Last update: 19 August 2010