Coolhunting and Coolfarming through Swarm Creativity
Peter Gloor, Hauke Fuehres, Jonas Krauss
Tue Jan 19, 03-06:00pm, E51-345 Wed Jan 20, Thu Jan 21, Fri Jan 22, 03-06:00pm, NE25-746
No limit but advance sign up required (see contact below)
Signup by: 18-Jan-2010
Participants requested to attend all sessions (non-series)
Discover what’s going to be cool—before everyone else. In this course you will find out how to: - discover cool trends through finding the trendsetters: tap into the collective intelligence of the Web, Blogs, and online social networks (coolhunting) - develop the new trends through self-organizing teams (coolfarming). You will also learn how to use our Condor, CoolPeople and CoolTrend software for coolhunting and dynamic social network analysis. This is a condensed version of a distributed course, which has been taught for the last 5 years at MIT, Helsinki, Cologne, and Savannah.
Contact: Peter Gloor, NE25-749, x3-7018,
Sponsor: Sloan School of Management
Latest update: 15-Jan-2010