Basic Mediation Skills Workshop - 32 hour training
Ruthy Kohorn Rosenberg
Mon Jan 11, Tue Jan 12, 12-05:30pm, Student Center Wed Jan 13, 09am-05:00pm, Student Center Mon Jan 25, Wed Jan 27, 12-05:30pm, Student Center Thu Jan 28, 09am-05:30pm, Student Center
Enrollment limited: advance sign up required (see contact below)
Signup by: 18-Dec-2009
Limited to 20 participants.
Participants requested to attend all sessions (non-series)
Prereq: none
Fee: 100.00 for Fees are for non-students and are for materials and overhead
Please go to the website below to complete and application. This workshop is for students, faculty, staff and others with an affiliation with MIT. It develops mediation skills and teaches the phases and principles of facilitative mediation. The workshop has a heavy emphasis on exercises, role plays and structured debriefings. Topics covered include: conflict, active listening, the mediator's role and toolbox, negotiation, ethics, and cross-cultural issues. At the conclusion of the workshop participants who have attended the entire workshop will receive a certification of completion of 32 hours of basic mediation training. Skills helpful to: facilitating discussions and meetings, and encouraging positive and creative problem solving
Contact: Nikki Shenefiel, W20-507, x3-7848,
Sponsor: Office of Student Citizenship
Latest update: 10-Nov-2009