Introduction to Metal Casting
Mike Tarkanian
Tue Jan 19 thru Fri Jan 22, 09am-12:00pm, 8-014
Enrollment limited: advance sign up required (see contact below)
Signup by: 09-Dec-2009
Limited to 6 participants.
Participants requested to attend all sessions (non-series)
Prereq: Preference given to freshman and Course 3 students (UG or G)
Students in this class will learn the techniques necessary for investment casting metals. We’ll first make models of the items to be cast – either by sculpting wax into the desired shape, or by casting wax into a rubber mold of an existing object. We will then build ceramic shells around the models, burn out the wax, and cast molten bronze, brass or aluminum into the resulting mold. If time permits, we will also cover the basics of sand casting.
Others will be lotteried into available spaces after enrollment closes
Contact: Mike Tarkanian, 8-003, x3-5946,
Sponsor: Materials Science and Engineering
Latest update: 27-Oct-2009