Finding Research Datasets: ICPSR and the Harvard-MIT Data Center
Katherine McNeill
Thu Jan 14, 01-02:30pm, 14N-132 (DIRC)
Enrollment limited: advance sign up required (see contact below)
Signup by: 11-Jan-2010
Limited to 20 participants.
Single session event
Need data to answer a research question? Interested in analyzing raw datasets with micro-level records about individual respondents? This hands-on workshop will familiarize you with the resources of the Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR) and the Harvard-MIT Data Center, which provide access to datasets in the social sciences and related fields. Topics will include the structure of data files, finding and downloading datasets, and understanding data documentation.
Contact: Katherine McNeill, E53-168c, x3-0787,
Sponsor: Libraries
Latest update: 04-Dec-2009