"Fuel Your Mind" -- A Primer on Transportation Fuels, Current and Future
William H. Green (MIT Dept. of Chem. Eng.), George Huff & Jim Simnick (BP Global Fuels Technology)
Thu Jan 14, 09am-04:00pm, 56-114
No enrollment limit, no advance sign up
The goal of this short course is to gain a better understanding of fuels using a combination of video, photos, diagrams, text and audio. The material is based on seminars our fuels technology staff has given to automotive mechanics, as well as our marketing and advertising agencies. We have included four modules which deal with the most common topics that have been requested at these seminars. These include: 1. Refining, Supply and Pricing 2. Gasoline 3. Biofuels 4. Ethanol & E-85
Contact: William Green, 66-207, x3-4580, whgreen@mit.edu
Sponsor: Chemical Engineering
Latest update: 06-Nov-2009