Materials Testing and Data Acquisition
Pierce Hayward
Mon Jan 25, 09-11:30am, TBD Mon Jan 25, 01:30-04:30pm, TBD Tue Jan 26, 09-11:30am, TBD Tue Jan 26, 01:30-04:30pm, TBD Wed-Fri, Jan 27-29, 09am-04:30pm, TBD, Open Session
Enrollment limited: first come, first served
Limited to 8 participants.
Participants requested to attend all sessions (non-series)
Prereq: none
M/T Jan 25-26: 9-11:30am & 1:30-4:30pm; W-F Jan 27-29: test your materials and/or setups on your own schedule. Grips will be made as appropriate.
Open to all, including 2.001/2.002 students. AMP Lab has 4 testing machines; 2 students will use a machine at a time. Monday: test materials of your choice, or lifting and binding chains, to understand functional strengths of common chains as prescribed by OSHA reg. 39 CFR 1910.184 for public settings, such as projects on campus. Tuesday: desktop testing with laptop PCs using LabView with force, displacement & temperature transducers; making thermocouples. Students leave with data acquisition system on their computer.
Contact: Pierce Hayward, 1-307, x3-3841,
Sponsor: Mechanical Engineering
Latest update: 13-Nov-2009