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IAP 2010 Activity

Chinese Yo-Yo
Wei-Yang Sun
Tue, Thu, Jan 12, 14, 19, 21, 26, 28, 07-10:00pm, See description

No enrollment limit, no advance sign up
Signup by: 04-Jan-2010
Limited to 30 participants.
Participants welcome at individual sessions (series)
Prereq: None

Come learn the Chinese yo-yo!

Participants of all skill levels (from never touching a yoyo to knowing lots of tricks) are welcome.

Having roots from the 12th century, the Chinese yo-yo spins on a string connected by two sticks. Unlike its Western counterpart, the Chinese yo-yo is not connected to the string, allowing more complicated tricks to be performed.

The sessions will meet 7pm in Rockwell (half court) from Jan. 12-28, Tuesdays and Thursdays (except for Jan. 21 - Student Center, room 491).
Contact: Wei-Yang Sun, sunw@mit.edu
Sponsor: Association of Taiwanese Students
Latest update: 08-Jan-2010

Massachusetts Institute of Technology
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Last update: 19 August 2010