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IAP 2010 Activity

Nuclear Weapons: Physics, History, and Abolition?
Prof. Aron Bernstein, Professor David Kaiser, Professor Jim Walsh
No enrollment limit, no advance sign up
Participants welcome at individual sessions (series)
Prereq: None

This course will give an overview of the physics of nuclear weapons and their devastating effects. The history of their development will be covered as well as the discussions of their implications, including the debates of the atomic scientists who developed them and then tried vainly to control their use and spread.
Students are welcome to participate in any or all of these sessions. There will be time for questions and discussion.

Sponsors: Department of Physics, Lab for Nuclear Science, Program in Science, Technology and Society, Center for International Studies
Contact: Nancy Boyce, 4-315, 253-4461, nboyce@mit.edu
Sponsor: Physics

Prof. Aron Bernstein
Overview: history, physics history, history of weapons numbers in the cold war, outlook for reduction and elimination.
Wed Jan 20, 03-04:30pm, Kolker Room 26-414

Professor David Kaiser
The cold war history of the weapons deployment will be covered as well as the treaties which limited their use such as the nuclear test ban, anti ballistic missile treaty.
Thu Jan 21, 03-04:30pm, Kolker Room 26-414

Professor Jim Walsh
The threat of nuclear proliferation and the nuclear non-proliferation treaty will be covered. The current discussion about abolition of nuclear weapons will also be discussed.
Mon Jan 25, 03-04:30pm, Kolker Room 26-414

Prof. Aron Bernstein
Outlook for Nuclear Weapons Policy, Obama Administration, world reaction; The linking of these issues to the original scientists debate and MIT discussions will be covered. Lecturer AM Bernstein
Wed Jan 27, 03-04:30pm, Kolker Room 26-414
Latest update: 10-Nov-2009

Massachusetts Institute of Technology
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Last update: 19 August 2010