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IAP 2010 Activity

MIT Physics Lecture Series: h

The LHC Won't Destroy the Planet (But Will Spark a Revolution)
Professor Jesse Thaler
Mon Jan 25, 01:30-02:30pm, 6-120

Single session event

The Large Hadron Collider will not destroy the world. It will, however, revolutionize fundamental physics by providing insights into the origin of mass, the nature of dark matter, the apparent weakness of gravity, and the symmetry structure of our universe. This lecture will explain the scientific basis for particle physicists' confidence, both in the discovery potential of the LHC and in its absolute safety.
Contact: Nancy Boyce, 4-315, 253-4461, nboyce@mit.edu
Sponsor: Physics
Latest update: 04-Nov-2009

Massachusetts Institute of Technology
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Last update: 19 August 2010