MIT Physics Lecture Series: i Nanotechnology in a Pencil Trace
Professor Pablo Jarillo-Herrero
Wed Jan 27, 01:30-02:30pm, 6-120
No enrollment limit, no advance sign up
Single session event
A new revolution in science and technology is stemming from exploring materials and devices at ever smaller length scales. Among these materials, recently discovered carbon nanostructures are beginning to show just how different their properties are from standard materials. In this talk I will introduce you to the latest newcomer to the family of carbon nanomaterials: graphene. Graphene, a single sheet of graphite, is a one atom-thick material where electrons propagate in a very intriguing way: their behavior mimics that of ultrarelativistic particles. Along with fascinating science, I will discuss the enormous potential of graphene in the area of nanoelectronics.
Contact: Nancy Boyce, 4-315, 253-4461,
Sponsor: Physics
Latest update: 04-Nov-2009